This Is Your Brain on Loneliness

In addition, numerous aftercare programs are available to help you stay in touch with people when you leave treatment so that you can keep connected. Fellowship in recovery can greatly increase the likelihood that the individual will build a good life away from substance abuse. It provides the important social support functions and means that the individual will be far less likely to feel alone. Belonging to one of the 12 Step fellowships can bring the individual into contact with other people who are following a similar path. It will also be possible to benefit from a special relationship with a sponsor. This is often a more experienced individual in recovery who the sponsee can reach day or night.

  • Loneliness is often one of the first warning signs that there are other issues at play.
  • People in addiction recovery often say that loneliness is one of the most difficult things to overcome.
  • Feeling this avenue of socializing is restricted in this way might make you feel lonely.

Recognizing and addressing this emotion is crucial, as it plays a pivotal role in both the onset of addiction and the recovery process. In an addiction recovery program, there are likely several meetings you can attend throughout the week. The people who attend them with you understand the difficult situation you’re in and can connect with you about your feelings of loneliness or other negative emotions. Loneliness can be a difficult emotion to manage and can have an adverse effect on our mental health if we start to isolate. But there are ways to combat loneliness in recovery and make sure that we don’t feel isolated and alone. Being around positive people can have a huge impact on our overall wellbeing.

Therapy and Counseling

On the other hand, there were no differences in reports of depression between people living alone and those living with others if they had social and emotional support. The good news about the findings, says author Laryssa Mykyta, is that the vast majority of people living alone didn’t report adverse mental health symptoms. “Most adults who live alone – 93% – report either no feelings of depression or low feelings of depression,” she says. Although these distorted response patterns increase the pain of loneliness, they also serve a purpose. Without the pain of loneliness, we might neglect those loving social connections that are of utmost importance to our well-being.

loneliness in recovery

The new study comes at a time when the number of single person households in the U.S. has skyrocketed. In the decade from 2012 to 2022, the number of Americans living alone jumped by nearly 5 million to 37.9 million. Animals (whether fish, caribou, or humans) that find themselves on the periphery of their social groups are the ones most at risk from predators. Being in that type of danger causes the animal to go into a self-preservation mode called hypervigilance, in which it is on high alert for possible threats.

Jul 7 Ways To Overcome Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

Addicted individuals can become lonely, and lonely individuals can become addicted. When you start a new life in recovery it is easy to feel alone and isolated. This feeling is normal, as your old social circle is stripped away. Most who struggle with addiction find their old friends were also the friends who used – and now you are avoiding putting yourself in a situation where substances are present.

In this way, you connect with other group members and socialize. You are making friends with like-minded people who share many of the same experiences and pain that you face. Loneliness, while a formidable challenge, is not insurmountable.

Is Feeling Lonely During Addiction Recovery Normal?

Here’s what to know about loneliness and how to move through it. Seeking help from the right treatment center to beat loneliness and addiction is one effective way. Having someone by your side during such difficult times can make it easier to seek help in the first place. Whether you consider yourself a social butterfly or a wallflower, all humans are social beings. There’s hardly a moment in your life when you aren’t interacting with someone else or benefiting from their activities.

loneliness in recovery

That means you’re alive and living life on your terms – rather than terms dictated by an alcohol or substance use disorder. Most people in recovery know what it’s like to be in a room full of people, yet still have intense feelings of loneliness – that’s what the experts say when they talk about perceived disconnection. Also called mutual aid groups, these meetings have been an important component of recovery for millions of people since the first community support group – Alcoholics Anonymous – appeared in the 1930s. And for millions, they’ve been the first line of defense against loneliness. Nevertheless, that means your previous social support group is now gone. That’s why it’s incredibly important to find people to connect with in recovery in order to build a healthier social network.

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They do this to feel better about what they’re doing and not get lectured. However, in addiction recovery, the last thing you want to do is be part of a toxic social circle that might encourage you to use it again. In step 5, people take accountability for their past actions and any wrongs they have committed. One thing the Big Book says about loneliness during step 5 is that self-pity and alcoholism can lead to immense feelings of loneliness. This loneliness can damage your path to sobriety by driving you back to the SUD. While the internet ensures that we’re connected on a basic level, the problem is that these relationships are all parasocial.

Loneliness can be a silent trigger, pushing individuals towards substance abuse as a way to cope with their feelings of isolation and emptiness. When human connections are lacking, substances can offer a temporary escape, a fleeting feeling of euphoria, or a momentary sense of belonging. After starting your addiction recovery process, you may experience an array of emotions, one of which is boredom.

Making Human Connection in Addiction Recovery

According to one report in California, problems caused by social distancing have resulted in more people turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with feelings of loneliness. People are also looking into addiction treatment more since the COVID-19 pandemic started. It’s common for individuals with addiction to alienate family and friends. During the process of recovery from addiction, it can help feelings of loneliness to make amends with friends and family. In fact, the feelings of loneliness you experience are more common than you may think. A study from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project2 indicates that loneliness is very common among American adults, especially older adults.

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